Susanne's Jungle Story: The Junglebox and a little journey through time
Susanne's Jungle Story is a journey into the past. Triggered by the sounds of the Junglebox she recalls unforgettable moments. With the exotic jungle sounds, these precious experiences are just a few steps away.
You want a story? Here's mine! As a child, I never went on vacation with my parents. Later, as a teenager, neither did I. My father worked as a bus driver in the travel industry, and holidays were always peak season. If everything went well, we could occasionally make it to Biggesee for a little Sunday pleasure. More than this small Sunday delight was not possible. So, my world remained quite limited.
But in 1989, that was about to change! At the age of 20, I held my first plane ticket in my hands: I flew to the Caribbean with two friends. Pure excitement! What can I say... when I heard the Junglebox it was all there again. The new sounds, the sweet scent of exotic flowers, the overwhelming blaze of color, the nocturnal sounds of animals, dancing the night away, the delicious food... it was so different from home and it all happened at once. Almost too good to be true.
Memories are something truly wonderful! Thank you for making it possible with your Junglebox to instantly turn the clock back from 2023 to 1989! I should probably buy a plane ticket again soon 😊
Your plane ticket to the jungle: The Relaxound Junglebox in colorful and elegant designs.